Some people are internet savvy, but I’d more aptly describe myself as an internet fiend. Growing up on the Web 2.0, I’ve flitted through social media, dating apps, and internet trends as they rapidly evolve, making my mark through mostly digital footprints. This newsletter is interested in unpacking those immaterial footprints; how our collective online production has shaped culture, and how digital spaces have largely reproduced many of the systems and violences present in the real world. Rather than simply covering news and trends, I’m interested in questioning everything relevant to the participatory networks and digital ecosystems that we’ve since come to know as ubiquitous parts of being online. I present to you Born Digital.

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Digital trends

If you’re not young and hip to what goes on here on the internet, this newsletter is sure to keep you at least a little bit up to speed through its discussion of internet culture(s).

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A newsletter about all things digital media & art written in pandemic-style isolation